The end is near : ) Here we are at 'z' for the 5th time. What an Alphabet this has been! I really do hope you have enjoyed it. We have some fab treats to finish on...let's get going...
Monkey Puzzle Press
If you are in the market for a sketch book I would encourage you to seriously consider one of these handmade books by Elan Gombart of Monkey Puzzle Press. Elan transforms vintage book covers into beautiful, re fillable sketchbooks.
I love that this series of Childcraft Encyclopedia sketchbooks (the ones with the red covers below) have the original illustrated endpapers on the inside cover - making them even more fabulous! - check them out...
visit Elan's store
read Elan's blog
Frank Gonzales
I have to give credit to Elan from Monkey Puzzle Press for the introduction to the work of Frank Gonzales. When I was over at Elan's blog, I was completely captivated by a post she did on Frank's paintings - i just had to find out more!
A trip to Frank's website proved to be just as captivating. His collection of Bird Paintings are beautiful, and a deeper dip into his archives reveals more birds, landscapes and figure paintings.
Take a peek:
(images from Frank Gonzales)
visit Frank's website
read Frank's blog
Blaze Danielle Bratcher
I am really pleased to be ending this Alphabet with the Prints from original works by
Blaze Danielle Bratcher. Have you seen them? Intricate fabric collages crafted into whimsical pieces of art - I have written the name of each piece under the images - their names are fantastic!I think Blaze's work is not only a lovely way to end this alphabet but a soothing way to begin the weekend...I could float away in this first image below...
above: riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise
above: no gifts, no power, no wisdom
above: thou mine inheritance now and always
above: peace like a river attendeth my way
above: sorrows like sea billows roll
visit Blaze's store
read Blaze's blog
Well my friends, here we are at the end of Alphabet5. Thank you so much for being part of this alphabetical journey, it really is an honor to share it with you. The end of this Alphabet also means the beginning of the weekend... Do you have anything fun planned? Good friends of ours have just had a baby girl *Welcome to the world Georgia!*, so we are really excited to meet her and congratulate her parents in person.
Oh, I nearly forgot - We have our traditional 'between alphabets' week next week, so there are lots of interesting things to share with you - you will join me wont you?
In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend!
See you Monday xxoo
1 comment:
I found this blog fairly recently and If I haven't already told you - this blog rocks! I love it, could spend hours looking at all your fabulous finds. I think we have pretty similar tastes, but i so love discovering work from other places:)
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