We're just going to jump straight in today - have fun!
Naomi Murrell
This alphabet has had a few Australian representatives, and I'm adding Naomi Murrell to that list... Naomi is a freelance illustrator and designer that is based in Adelaide. When she is not collaborating with other artists or working on commissioned projects, Naomi creates work for her own self titled label - Naomi.
Naomi produces playful screen prints and wooden and perspex jewellery..
"The collection is full of love, hope and happy things that are certain to make you smile."
(images and quote from Naomi Murrell)
visit Naomi's website
visit Naomi's store
read Naomi's blog
Shannon Rankin
I figured Shannon had enough 'N's in her name to qualify to be apart of this N post! - count them - 5!
I started researching Shannon Rankin a few days ago. Little did I know I would get totally sucked in to her Flickr site! So many amazing works involving maps and paper! Shannon is one clever lady, I could hardly contain my cutting and pasting of her images.. you really should go over and check them out : )
Shannon's work crosses many mediums. The majority involve intricate paper cutting and folding, and the use of embroidery thread. I have chosen a (very) small selection to show you from her map series, but there are many many more beautiful works to see - take a peek...
(images from Shannon Rankin)
visit Shannon's website
visit Shannon's store
read Shannon's blog
see Shannon's work on flickr
Nate Duval
Do I really need to say anything about Nate Duval's work? All I want to say is LOOK!
I have just visited Nate's website and viewed the images he has of the screen printing process that he uses for each print - no fancy fandangled machinery here, just careful hand printing using house paints (believe it or not!). To say the least I love Nate's work. It is so hard to choose a favourite - there are so many to choose from... but out of the selection below, I'd have to put the last image on the right, titled 'Birdhouse' on my wish list... enjoy
(images from Nate Duval)
visit Nate's website
visit Nate's store here and here
read Nate's blog
Did you enjoy N? I certainly did... see you tomorrow for O!
Have a great day! xxoo
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