Jumping in with a B-B Bounce!
Brenda Rose
he-he ANOTHER Portland Oregon lovely!! I can't help it sorry, Portland folk make such good things!!
One of the downfalls of this Alphabet format is that if I discover someone and we are past 'their' letter I have to wait to tell you about it. Brenda Rose was added to my catalogue around 'S'. And I have been waiting since then to show you her work!
Maybe you have seen it before? She is well loved by the blogging community. Brenda's art works are a great mix of old and new, paint and illustration, collage and 3D. Her clocks - well, they're just ooze doily love!
Take a peek:
(images from Brenda Rose)
visit Brenda's website
read Brenda's blog
visit Brenda's stores Brendarose (artwork) & Andfurthermore (clocks).
Bison Ceramics
I first came upon Bison Ceramics over at the modamuse blog. Brian Tunks, Bison's principle designer, started his career excavating ancient Greco-Roman sites in the Middle East. His passion for ceramics developed as he unearthed artifact after artifact - vases, bowls and pottery shards that were both decorative and domestic.
"It quickly became clear that ceramics were one of the most significant and enduring symbols of great civilisations, lasting long after the civilisations that created them had crumbled."
Each Bison piece is made with the care and expertise found historically. This ancient knowledge combined with modern designs and materials ensures a product that is not only beautiful and durable but will last more than one lifetime.
"Where will your Bison be in one thousand years?"
(images and quotes from Bison Ceramics)NOTES:
visit the Bison Ceramics website
visit the Bison Ceramics retail store: Shop 9 Howey Place
273-277 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Tel: (03) 9650 1938
Amy Blackwell
The above is copied and pasted from the profile on
Amy Blackwell's etsy store. It pretty much sums up her work - beautiful, whimsical, colourful and super sweet!I am such a huge fan of foxes (since my oldest son decided he wanted to change his name to Fox :), and these orange bushy tailed creatures feature heavily in Amy's work. I only show one foxy image here, but if you jump over to her store you will find a whole heap more! - Lovely!
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