Happy Friday!
It's a beautiful day here today, I hope you are finding a warm spot where ever you are : )
Let's jump in...
Julene Harrison
You know how much I love paper cutting right? I have posted a few of my faves in the past. I now (yay!) have a new one to add to my favourites list - Julene Harrison.
Julene's store holds a beautiful collection of laser cut artworks each intricately cut with a sentimental or thought provoking quote. If you delve into Julene's website you will find a series of custom artworks, painstakingly cut by hand... each one is so, so beautiful - Look!
(images from Julene Harrison)
visit Julene's website
visit Julene's store
Jen Maestre
I thought it would be fun to end the week with some pencil love. - Have you seen the work of Jen Maestre before?
Not only does Jen create an incredible collection of sculpture made out of pencils or nails (see her portfolio here), she has scaled down her work to create these individually crafted jewellery pieces.
"I am a sculptor with a particular fascination for pencils. I find them extremely inspiring, probably because I have a million of them in my studio. The big joke in my studio- I can never find anything to write with. "
(image and quote from Jen Maestre)
visit Jen's website
visit Jen's store
I heart Studio Jessi...
You may remember me including the work of Jessi Halliday here in alphabet*four. Jessi is a super clever gal who makes the most exquisite range of softies...
I wanted to finish the week with something that you could meander through, something that you could and find some inspiration in.. and
Jessi's blog is just that, it's a wee snippet of her day to day life, with a nice dose of music, cooking and craft..."A little look into my hand made world.." enjoy!(image and quote from
Jessi Halliday). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I do hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to relax and reflect, enjoy and indulge. I thought I'd leave you with this piece that I wrote for the post that included Jessi Halliday's softies.. it is still so relevant today, as I am sure it will be tomorrow and for may days and weeks and months to come...
"I am constantly blown away by the seemingly infinite assortment of super talented creative folk out there, and I love the fact that fabulous sites like
Etsy, Flickr - and google(!) have brought the work of so many of them in front of admirers all over the world.I love the fact that I have a job that lets me oohh and ahhh all day long and then share all my best finds with all you lovely readers... and I love the fact that all you lovely readers join me daily on this alphabetical journey : ) "
Thanks so much for joining me,
see you Monday xxoo
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