How's the middle of the week treating you? Well I hope.
There is a really nice mix of goodies to share today - and a minimum of printed items too : ) - not that I don't have printing on the brain, I do! but we all need a bit of variety in our lives right? - And I'm sure you'll all appreciate not being overdosed in printed loveliness... ready?
ouble ParlourErnesto and Cassandra Velasco are the creative dynamic duo behind the fab Double Parlour collection. Based in San Fransisco, Ernesto and Cassandra work independently and collaboratively and together they create a gorgeous collection of prints, sculptures, original paintings and t-shirts.
I am in love with their little polymer sculptures, and this first one below 'Lydie' is just divine!
(images from Double Parlour)NOTES:
visit Ernesto and Cassandra's store
adayaI don't know why I haven't written about
Dadaya before, it has long been included in my resource list, but for some reason it keeps missing the boat each time the alphabet sails past.Maybe it is because I was waiting for mittens! I know it is nearly summer here, but I can't go past these fabulous mittens that I spotted recently in the Dadaya store....look!
(Oh, that cute wee number pictured 4th below? That's a beret : )
(images from Dadaya)
visit the Dadaya store
Oh Darling!
Whitney Deal, the voice behind
Darling Dexter has trained and worked as a graphic designer, helps run the family photography business with her hub, and is gradually developing a small fashion line.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well here we are heading to the end of another week...here's hoping the week continues on the happy path it's on at the moment : )
See you tomorrow for E! xxoo
1 comment:
Love dadaya, thanks, I might blog about these.
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