Ahh, here we are at the end of Alphabet 2, can you believe it?? I really do you hope you enjoyed this second set.. let's round out this alphabet set with Y and Z... I've gone a bit overboard on the images of this one so I am posting one Y and one Z... both are fantastic so I hope you enjoy them - they really make me smile! Anyway, let's start with Y...
Yee-Haw Industries
mmm letterpress... you know I like it don't you?? Yee-Haw Industries specialises in all sorts of printed goodness from letterpress to handmade, woodcut and fine art prints... all pressed by hand.. take a look:
(images from Yee-Haw)
visit the YeeHaw store
visit the YeeHaw website
read the YeeHaw featured seller interview on Etsy
read the YeeHaw blog
Sandra Monet is the amazing creative mind behind Herzensart. Living in a small village near Cologne and sharing a studio with a sheep(!) called Friederike, Sandra created this fantastic collection of Textile and mixed media art objects.
I really do suggest you hop over to the Herzensart website and have a really good look through.. here's a snippet:
(images and quote from Herzensart)
visit the Herzensart website
visit the Herzensart store
read Sandra's blog
And here we are, at the end. Wow! I can't believe we have finished our second set! The third set is shaping up nicely. If you know of or make anything you think should be included, just drop me a line to thedesignalphabet{at}yahoo{dot}com...I would love to hear fom you!
I'm not sure if I will get to post anything next week.. I do have things I want to post about, it's just that we are spending the week at my parents house and I'm not sure if their slow internet connection will allow me to put any images up.. but I will see what I can do! If you want us to let you know when a post is up just subscribe (see button at the bottom of the menu on the left).
Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by, knowing you visit warms my heart : ) For those of you in NZ and have school children in your life - have a great school holiday break...I hope you get to spend some memorable time with your children... everyone else - thank you!
Oh, and it is the weekend! Have a fabulous weekend everyone..
see you soon! xx