Hi dee hi!
How was the first half of your week? Good I hope : )
Ours has been surprisingly pleasant considering that it has been raining all week and the boys and I have been stuck indoors. We did venture out yesterday in the rain, and today is already looking much brighter...
We also tried some meditation - our youngest son does meditation at preschool (very cool!) and was keen to show us how it is done. With both boys comfortably positioned, they spent a bit of time, relaxing, and breathing, and feeling the weight of their bodies - it was lovely! I'm looking forward to doing it more often, there is nothing like peace and calm in a home of boisterousness and testosterone!
Shall we begin this collection for I?
Ingrid Padilla
I think I must be in an 'ink drawing' phase because I have found more to share with you today.
This series of work is from mixed media artist Ingrid Padilla and is from her colorful series of original paint and ink drawings. I think they would be amazing in a large format.
This first one is my fave - which do you like best?
(images from Ingrid Padilla)
visit Ingrid's website
visit Ingrid's store
mmmm! Letterpress and silkscreen paper goodness!
Ilee Paper Goods produce a range of ready-made and custom paper products for every occasion. Their 2010 calendars are divine, (see 4th and last images below), and would make the most gorgeous gift - I'm thinking as a keepsake for a babe born in the new year, or a beautiful addition to your desk top...l-o-v-e-l-y!
(images from Ilee Paper Goods)
visit the Ilee website
visit the Ilee store
Some Australian wonderland love today...
Ish and Chi - Interior, Fashion, Food and more....
Ish and Chi is one of those Yes! Yes! Yes! blogs. Do you remember I used that term the other day? The yes's are in answer to the three questions I ask myself when choosing blogs for the wonderland - will you love it? will you be inspired? and, will you get lost in it? Yes, yes and yes!
You have been warned!! : ) It's a great read and definitely worth adding to your faves...enjoy!
(image from Ish and Chi)
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Have a wonderful Thursday! See you tomorrow for J xxoo