This 'D' is dedicated solely to...
David Stark
Ages ago I wrote "check out David Stark" in my catalogue for this alphabet... when I was composing this 'D' post, I googled 'David Stark' as I couldn't remember where I had been inspired to write down his name. I am now pretty sure I was introduced to him over at Design*Sponge, and I now know why I wrote down his name...
David Stark is (I am trying to think of a word that is appropriate - like super, super amazing or oh-my-goodness talented - do you get the idea?) - event planner extraordinaire and as Grace at d*s called him - event royalty.
David Stark. (Image from Design Sponge)
Since my initial 'google' I have been raving about him to anyone who will listen (sorry guys!), but this man is pure genius! If I lived anywhere near his Brooklyn NY base I would definitely be clicking on the "we want you" button on his website - it would be my ultimate honor (and dream come true) to work for him.
There are a number of aspects that I love about his work...He thinks completely outside of the square, is innovative and thought provoking. He chooses to work with materials that are recycled, recyclable and reuse able and, he is not only able to produce amazing works on a large grand scale (and for some amazing clients), but his eye for detail and design was first noticed in his perfectly formed and incredibly beautiful flower arrangements.
When I was trying to choose images to show you, I did think I would go with a theme, but I couldn't narrow it down enough, so here is a little look into the work of David Stark...
For Cooper-Hewitt National Design Awards.
Designed entirely out of materials available from Party Hire Companies
- all could be returned afterwards!
Created entirely out of the waste from the opening of
Each piece was auctioned with proceeds

Pictured Above Top to Bottom: Nike Shoe Tornado,
Floral Computer Centre Pieces and Giant Pencil Pencil .
Each piece in this event was made out of goods that
were donated to the Foundation.
After the event everything was dismantled and passed on to
needy recipients.
Dining By Design For DIFFA
(Design Industries Foundation Fighting Against Aids)
An amazing Paint By Numbers Scheme inspired
by Sponsor Benjamin Moore.
(images from Apartment Therapy - Thanks AT xx)
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