mmmmm! C is lookin' GOOD!!
So, let's start with...
Castle and Things
Founded in 2008 Castle and Things became a fully fledged business venture after the small linen range Rachel Castle made for family and friends received significant interest.
A modern blend of handcrafted and hand-printed pieces ensures the Castle range sits comfortably amongst it's peers in the bed and house-ware industry.
Ever since I saw Rachel's "why are there so many songs about rainbows" embroidery (shown directly below), I haven't been able to get the song out of my head! - I love it, and by the looks of it, other people do too, with an extra 5 versions added to her store recently.
I do suggest you jump over and browse through the complete 'Castle and Things' collection - and for those of you in this southern part of the world, you'll be pleased to know that Castle and Things is located in New South Wales (Australia) and delivery on all artwork is Free!!

visit the Castle and Things shop
Claire Mojher
Claire Mojher is one clever gal. She is a commercial illustrator by day, who, thankfully for us, takes the time to draw, paint and write in the evenings and on weekends.
Her work is vast, and varied, but I particularly love this collection of drawn, painted and stitched pieces that she has in her store.
Take a peek:
(images from Claire Mojher)
visit Claire's website
visit Claire's store
read Claire's blog
Rachael Cole
I think it was the colours of this set of grey and yellow cushions (pictured below) that originally captured me. Grey and yellow is one of my favourite colour combos after all : )
After delving just a little bit further I discovered that Rachael Cole cleverly creates this collection of cushions that "fit together to form the landscape of a little town—somewhere far away from the city."
These cushions are all hand screen-printed in very limited editions, and are definitely worth a look-see...
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