I am constantly blown away by the seemingly infinite assortment of super talented creative folk out there, and I love the fact that fabulous sites like Etsy, Flickr - and google(!) have brought the work of so many of them in front of admirers all over the world.
I love the fact that I have a job that lets me oohh and ahhh all day long and then share all my best finds with all you lovely readers... and I love the fact that all you lovely readers join me daily on this alphabetical journey : )
Here we go, ending the week with J... first up...
Jennifer Judd-Mcgee
Jennifer Judd-Mcgee is one clever gal. Just look at her work below! Jennifer's collection consists of mixed media collage, gocco prints and drawings, and each one is popping with fabulous colour combos, textures and pattern. mmmmm!
I had trouble picking a favourite, let alone which images I would share with you, so take a look below and then go and check out her whole collection for the rest of the eye candy : )
Which ones do you like?

visit Jennifer's store
read Jennifer's blog
Simpli Jessi
There is definitely nothing simple about the work of SimpliJessi. As you know (or maybe not) I have a 'thing' for softies, and Jessi's intricately hand stitched dolls are fabulous! Each one has it's own profile story...
Felix (pictured first below) - Felix is a technology junkie. He even writes rap songs about how much he loves technology. Felix likes to shovel snow and jump on his trampoline. When he has days off from work, Felix will sometimes roller skate at the local park.
or Elona (pictured 5th below) - Elona is a whiz at mathematics. When she was in the 2nd grade, she solved equations master mathematicians struggled with for years...so they gave her a medal. And they told her she could be a special agent. In her free time, Elona likes to ride her scooter to the local bakery. She loves warm bread!
Every home should adopt one!

Julian Wolkenstein